I started out with a gorgeous purple long sleeved shirt. I loved the pattern and the color, but I thought it was just a little too crazy for a shirt. So I made a big ole' snip.
Snippity snip snip.
I grabbed the part of the body where I cut, and pulled it up to my waist, leaving the original bottom hem at the bottom of my legs.
And that's it! Now I have an awesome, cool patterned skirt!
Woohoo! (I know the shirt doesn't match, but I am way too busy today to throw on an outfit. I'll make it up to ya, promise!)
I love this skirt. It hits me right where I like my skirts to end, and it hugs me pretty well, despite being chopped off from a long sleeved shirt.

What do you think I should do with the top part of the shirt I didn't use?

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