My name is Jessica, and I live in an adorable little town on the outskirts of New Lexington, OH. I'm surrounded by farms, animals, and trees. It's not the most exciting area in the world, but hey, nothing beats being awakened by a squalling rooster at 6 in the morning (did you pick up on that sarcasm there?)
I'm a twenty- something, nerdy college graduate who is trying to make the most of my time in the unemployment line. In my spare time, I refashion, write, do yoga, and play video games. I also enjoy spending time with my man cake, and family.
My parents are divorced, and my mom is married. My Dad is a strict, go by the book type of fellow, while my mom has a fun, loosey- goosey type of spirit. Maybe that's why I try to have fun, while following my strict day- to- day schedule. I have three sisters (two of them are step sisters) and one hunk of a brother. Seriously. He has abs, and he's 11 years old. I'd marry him, but that kind of thing is apparently frowned upon. Harumph :(
I have three cutie nephews, and one adorable niece. My nephews enjoy harassing everyone, while my niece likes trying on all of my heels and make up.
I have an absolutely amazing man cake by the name of Andrew (but I usually just refer to him as my "man cake"). He completes me. He's a computer genius, can rip apart modems and stuff in three minutes flat, and can make me smile no matter what's going on. I'm a little slow when it comes to computer stuff, so he's the perfect match for me ("Hey sweety, what's the keyboard shortcut for..?").
This blog is where I pretty much dump my creative ideas. I use this blog to show friends, families, and followers (the three F's) how I take old clothes and knick knacks and turn them into something completely different and amazing.
I first got interested in making a blog after stumbling upon what is the most awesome blog ever, written by a witty and creative Refashionista. She's fabulous, and has amazing ideas.
I'm very passionate about the way the world is spinning, so to say. I hate the thought of clothes and trinkets that can be easily fixed ending up in a landfill somewhere. Child labor is NOT cool (I'm looking at you, big name companies), and neither is dumping something out because it's "last year's" style.
Although both of my parents can sew, I never took the time to learn how. But after getting inspiration and learning about the alarming rate of today's "trash", I decided I could do my part to help. I checked out library books, stalked Pinterest and viewed Youtube videos. I slowly learned how to sew, and decided to take it to the next level.
All of the clothing that I make is a direct insight into my style. In high school and college, I was definitely the Sweatpants Queen. I'd wear them no matter what the weather was like outside (which means I'd sometimes be swimming in sweat), and pair them with my old band t's. After graduating, I realized I couldn't dress like a frumpy, punk kid anymore. I needed to be thought of and seen as an adult.
The hard part of revamping my style was the fact that it took money, and if you already forgot, I'm patiently waiting in the unemployment line ("Is this line even MOVING? C'mon!") which means I have 0 dollars.
I searched Goodwills, visited yard sales, and begged for old clothes from family and friends. The end result was slightly alarming. I now have three laundry baskets full of clothing that I need to refashion, and turn into something that is uniquely mine.
So join me as I tear apart and reconstruct clothes that reflect who I am, while staying within what society believes is "in style". Since I'm fairly new to the art of sewing and refashioning, don't be surprised to see a few mess ups within the posts. After all, we're only human, right?

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